
Showing posts from September, 2020

PDCA Cycle – Deming Cycle - Shewhart Cycle

  What is PDCA Cycle? Improvement requires a continuous cycle of perceiving and thinking. PDCA cycle is a structured way of continuously perceiving and thinking. PDCA stands for plan, do, check and act. PDCA is also called Shewhart cycle after the name of the developer A. W. Shewhart, also called Deming Cycle after the person W.Edward Deming who has popularized it. It is a scientific approach because it starts with data collection, assessment of improvement alternatives. Starting with plan step it moves clockwise and passes through the other steps. However for continuous improvement the cycle should continue to move considering no start and no end. When to Use PDCA? PDCA can be used across the industries and all organizational types. It gives better result when it is implemented as a team approach, because it brings broader perspective, inputs, analysis and organizational commitment. The tools is used for Total quality management and six sigma projects, implantation of new ...

7 Wastes (MUDA)

  What is Waste? Waste is something that adds no value to the product or service. Every activity and element of a system (materials, humans, time, space, and energy) should add value to the output of the system. Combining materials to form a product or doing some service oriented task that makes a customer happy are value added activities.   Process like processing a purchase order is a non value added activity, even though it is necessary for doing value added activities. In this approach apart from the absolute necessary activities all other activities are under the scanner of waste. Types of Waste: The following sources of waste, identified by Toyota and first described by Taiichi Ohno, are universal in manufacturing. Though sources of waste vary within and across organizations, the similarities are great. The 7 waste as define TIMWOOD 1.     Waste in Transportation (T) 2.     Waste from Inventory (I) 3.     Waste of Moti...