PDCA Cycle – Deming Cycle - Shewhart Cycle


What is PDCA Cycle?

Improvement requires a continuous cycle of perceiving and thinking. PDCA cycle is a structured way of continuously perceiving and thinking. PDCA stands for plan, do, check and act. PDCA is also called Shewhart cycle after the name of the developer A. W. Shewhart, also called Deming Cycle after the person W.Edward Deming who has popularized it.

It is a scientific approach because it starts with data collection, assessment of improvement alternatives. Starting with plan step it moves clockwise and passes through the other steps. However for continuous improvement the cycle should continue to move considering no start and no end.

When to Use PDCA?

PDCA can be used across the industries and all organizational types. It gives better result when it is implemented as a team approach, because it brings broader perspective, inputs, analysis and organizational commitment. The tools is used for Total quality management and six sigma projects, implantation of new project across the organization, continuous improvement, developing and improving of new process, testing multiple solutions in small controlled trials etc. etc.

Step 1: Plan

In this step you will identify the problem or opportunity for improvement, analyze, develop the hypothesis, chose the best one to test first.

Sub step 1.1: Collecting data

In this stage it is tried to understand the problem, its depth and seriousness. To understand situation or root cause of the problem data on the subject is very much required. So, a system is developed to collect data on the situation or problem from different perspectives. This systematically collected data is then documented, analyzed, verified to find out root cause of the problem.

Sub step 1.2: Defining the problem

Once you have the actual authentic data on the problem or opportunity for improvement, it becomes easy to have a well defined precise problem definition. When the problem is defined in a quantified manner it becomes easy to understand the intensity of the problem or opportunity for improvement. The root cause is much clear now and it is easier to put forward the probable solutions for the same.

Sub step 1.3: Stating the Goal

By now you are clear about the problem, backed up by authenticated data now you are clear about the present status and the status which can be achieved. Sit down the team, discuss the observations, and set a practically achievable goal. The goal must be clear, well defined, and agreed upon by everyone working towards it. Once it is close at hand, the goal can be redefined to a higher level to achieve greater goal.

Sub step 1.4: Solving the Problem

All alternative means for solving the problem should be considered for discussion. The cost benefit analysis has to be made to each solution, for deciding the best solution. The final method of implementation chosen should describe the specific steps to be taken, people responsible, a schedule and deadline.

Step 2: Do

At this stage the plan is tested at the actual working place. The solution is not implemented organization wide; a small part is selected for implementing the solution. During implementation phase the observations are closely monitored, noted down, do the required changes in the implementation plan, good things are kept, in effective things are removed from the plan.

Step 3: Check

After implementation, all data are analyzed, positive results achieved, what is the extent of the targeted goal achieved, side effects or adverse consequences emerged, or any additional benefits achieved.

Step 4: Act

At this stage actions are taken based on the results achieved in past stages. If the results are as desired and it was implemented in a small portion then it is horizontally implemented in other parts of the organization. If it failed to achieve the desired result, probable causes of failure are analyzed and alternative solutions are put forward for implementation. If the solution is successful and there is further scope for improvement in the target, then the cycle starts again and keeps on moving forward.

